Executive Committee Elections
Dear Members,
It is my pleasure to announce the call for manifestos for the EYPUK Executive Committee 2024/25! This year has been a record year for the charity in terms of an outstanding regional performance, an extremely successful Members’ Training Weekend, and exciting National Sessions in the works. With that being said, being a part of the Executive Committee (Exec) is a fantastic way of building on these successes and further fostering the growth of the charity!
The Executive Committee (Exec), with the guidance of the trustees, is responsible for organising events whilst ensuring that they are of the highest standards and operate smoothly. Led by the President, the Exec comprises elected members who receive additional guidance from their respective trustees. While holding a position on the Exec, your primary focus would be on your designated department. However, you would also have the privilege of being part of an extraordinary group of individuals responsible for coordinating numerous academic events, such as regional fora, as well as organising social gatherings!
The election process for this year will begin with the call for manifestos opening on Monday, 8th July 2024.
The deadline for submitting manifestos is midday on the 17th July by 11:59. Please use the standardised manifesto template but ensure you make a copy of the template for your manifesto. To submit the manifesto, please email them to daniel.brown@eypuk.co.uk in PDF form before the deadline. The manifestos will be submitted by the beginning of next week, initiating the Hustings period. This will last 5 days during which any members will be able to ask candidates about their manifestos and experiences which make them suitable for the role. Following hustings, voting for the new EYPUK Exec will begin and will also last 2 days. Election results will be announced shortly after with the elected Exec members participating in individual handovers with the respective outgoing members.
We are looking for enthusiastic members to fill in the following roles:
President (1 position)
Member Development Officer (1 position)
EurVoice Officer (2 positions)
Regional Coordinator (2 positions)
Events Officer (1 position)
Fundraising Officer (1 position)
Communications Coordinator (1 position)
The manifesto template can be found here.
The attached role descriptions provide a detailed overview of what each role entails but in case you have any further questions, please reach out to the respective Exec member or trustee!
Lastly, candidates for the upcoming elections must be:
A Current, pre-existing voting member of EYPUK
OR an alumni who has reactivated their membership
For further information concerning the election policy, please click here!
It has been an incredibly thrilling and rewarding two years on the Exec, and I cannot wait to see the next Executive Committee of EYPUK and the terrific work that they get up to!
Best of luck,